As night falls and darkness envelops the world, we find ourselves in the heart of the winter solstice, marking the shortest and darkest day of the year. This is the time when we celebrate Yule, a festival filled with symbolism and ritual that celebrates both the longest night and the promise of the imminent return of light. In this Capricorn season, where patience is tested as we wait for renewal, it is to Persephone, the queen of the underworld, that we turn our gaze. She embodies the cold beauty and youth that heralds the return to life. Soon, she will leave the underworld and emerge once more into the light, bringing with her the promise of rebirth and the regeneration of the earth.

The symbolism of Capricorn, associated with the endless wait for renewal, resonates with the winter period when nature seems to fall asleep. It is a time to illuminate our homes with twinkling garlands, to dance with candlelight to conquer the darkness, and to share the delights of the 13 desserts before plunging into a sweet hibernation. Winter, with its blanket of sparkling snow, invites us to slow down, to refocus on what is essential, and to enjoy the warmth of our homes. It is a time for stories shared around the fire, for laughter that warms the heart, and for moments of introspective reflection. As Persephone soon leaves the darkness to bring life to earth, we too can see the winter solstice as a transition to the light that is on the horizon.

In this magical season, let us embrace the beauty of the longest night, while keeping in mind the certainty that every dark night is followed by a bright dawn. It is the perfect time to warm ourselves with the love of loved ones, to celebrate life and to express our gratitude for the eternal cycles of nature.
To honor this Capricorn period and celebrate Yule, here is a simple and symbolic ritual:
- Create a warm ambiance: Decorate your space with twinkle lights, candles and elements reminiscent of the winter season.
- Rekindle the Light: Light a candle as a sign of renewal and hope that the light will return soon.
- Share the 13 Desserts: Gather your loved ones around a table filled with delicacies to symbolize the abundance to come.
- Moment of Gratitude: Take a moment to express your gratitude towards nature, life and the promises of renewal.
- Conscious Hibernation: Prepare for winter by taking time for yourself, refocusing on your needs, and preparing to emerge with strength and vitality.