It's official, we are in the heart of autumn, and Samhain announces the beginning of the dark and cold season! As the last harvests are done, we prepare for the long winter nights. Squash, pumpkins, and of course hot soups are required to warm us up. But beware, this day is not like the others... The veil between the world of the living and that of the dead is thinner than ever. If a good soup and a glass of red wine present themselves to you, be wary... It may not be for you because it is customary, on this evening, to leave a good hot meal for the departed people who are dear to us.

The divinity that bridges the two worlds, the powerful Hecate "goddess of witchcraft" will guide us in this Scorpio season. At this time when the sun sinks into the depths of this sign, Hecate invites us to explore our shadows and dig into our darkest facets. She is the guardian of occult mysteries, the one who lights our paths in the night. Indeed, when Hades, the king of the underworld, kidnapped the beautiful Persephone, her mother Demeter searched for her in vain. Hecate, goddess of crossroads and shadows, having heard Persephone's cries, came to Demeter's aid. With her torches, she guided the goddess through the darkness until she discovered that Persephone was in the realm of the dead. Hecate later became Persephone's faithful ally, accompanying her every year on her return from the realm of the dead to the world of the living. Under the influence of the powerful Hecate, this is the perfect time to shed what no longer serves us, like shedding an old skin. Let us delve into the deepest aspects of our being, shed unnecessary burdens and be reborn, like the serpent sheds its skin and transforms. Samhain is also a time to celebrate the cycle of death and rebirth. We honor our ancestors, those who have gone before us, and give thanks for the lessons they have left us. As we immerse ourselves in the magic of this time, we become aware of the connection between the past, present and future.

As darkness sets in, it is the perfect opportunity to reflect on our lives and welcome transformation. Under the watchful eye of Hecate, we are invited to look beyond appearances, to free ourselves from shackles, and to chart a new path, illuminated by the wisdom of the ancient world.
Small ritual in honor of Samhain and Hecate:
- Make a small altar : Choose a quiet spot, indoors or outdoors, and decorate it with fall symbols like fallen leaves, candles, pumpkins, or dried grasses. Add a photo or object that symbolizes an ancestor who is important to you.
- Introspective Meditation : Take a moment to reflect on the lessons of the past years. What old patterns do you wish to let go of? What new beginnings are you looking forward to? Hecate will guide you through this transition.
- Release Ritual : Write down on a piece of paper the things you are ready to leave behind. Then, burn it in a flame as if to welcome the transformation.