As winter reaches its peak and the earth is wrapped in its blanket of sparkling snow, we enter the season of Imbolc, a time filled with hope! Indeed, although the cold persists, rays of sunlight begin to pierce through the clouds, announcing the imminent awakening of sleeping nature. Imbolc, linked to Brigid, goddess of fire and poetry, invites us to sow seeds of hope in the depths of the frozen earth. This festival at the beginning of February marks the beginning of the return of the Sun, of fertile earth and of light. It is traditionally the goddess Brigid who is honored and the transition between the austere winter and the fertile spring is celebrated. During this period, projects and seeds timidly take root, carrying within them the promise of renewal.

It's true, we want change! Prometheus, whose revolutionary spirit resonates with Aquarius, will breathe new energy and a new wind into our ideas. But let's be careful with ideas that are too bold, let's remember his tragic destiny because he dared to steal the divine fire to give it to men. For having defied Zeus, Prometheus was chained to a rock. To punish him for wanting to help humans, his liver was devoured by an eagle. And since the eagle grows back every night, since Prometheus is immortal, the torture is renewed every day in an interminable way. Tragic! However, it is thanks to this famous Prometheus that we can face the winter in warmth, because his flames light up our long winter nights and warm our homes. A true hero for ordinary mortals...

So, you get it, the days are gradually getting longer, so let's celebrate the potential for renewal and growth that emerges from the darkness of winter! In this season of transition, let's honor the flamboyant deities, such as Brigid, Prometheus, with rituals preparing for the return of life.
To honor this period of Aquarius and celebrate Imbolc, here is a simple and symbolic ritual:
Purify your living space: light some sage, open the windows to welcome the fresh energies of the new season.
Make room for creativity: Engage in artistic and inspiring activities to nourish your mind and soul.
Plant symbolic or non-symbolic seeds: cultivate your inner and outer garden to manifest your intentions and aspirations for the future.
Honor Prometheus: Light candles in honor of the deity and meditate on his creative flame that warms and illuminates the world.